Wednesday 3 October 2018

8 days out 17/11/17

The concern about what will I do for nine days has now changed to: will I be able to achieve all I want in nine days? My lists are growing, I have business paperwork to do but I am concerned I might not be able to concentrate enough to work or study. A friend also suggests that I download audio books in case reading is difficult. Now I am worried that I am too prepared, my fear of having nothing to do seems to have made me very busy. For someone who doesn’t believe she is a worrier I am doing a lot of worrying! I’m also not getting much sympathy from people close to me who say they would love to have nine days with nothing to do, lucky me.

I discuss the drug changes with my wonderful osteopath, Jacques, who says you are going to be so much sharper when you come off the fentanyl. I ask him whether we want me any sharper and he agrees that we don’t!

To cover for the fact that I am disappearing for nine days I try telling people that I am having “a procedure” but I find this prompts more questions so I am now saying I’m having “a medication adjustment” and that seems to be working better, plus it’s the truth.

My business partner Kay and I run an online business so we can work anywhere. She asks me to step away from our business for the nine days but I refuse to, saying I will be bored, I’ll need to work. She looks very worried so I say: ok I promise that if you tell me that I am out of line I will agree to stop working. She looks even more concerned and says and what if you don’t listen to me? I reply with: how about if both you and Nick tell me I have to stop working I promise to do so? She still doesn’t look happy but agrees to this compromise.

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